What About Heating Oil?
Bioheat Fuel®: A Cleaner, Greener Heating Oil
If you’re looking at our new website and wondering ‘where did the heating oil go,’ don’t worry! Skaggs-Walsh still provides prompt, reliable and affordable heating oil delivery. However, in the New York City area, all heating oil is Bioheat® fuel, a cleaner, greener heating fuel that contains at least 5% biodiesel.
Here at Skaggs-Walsh, we’ve been delivering Bioheat fuel to all of our heating oil customers for many years. In fact, Skaggs-Walsh goes above and beyond the City’s minimum standards for heating oil delivery, as our Bioheat fuel contains 20% biodiesel.
What’s the difference between heating oil and Bioheat fuel?
Because Bioheat fuel contains a renewable component, it is greener and better for the environment. But that’s not all! Bioheat fuel has actually been shown to help clean heating oil tanks and equipment, making them run more efficiently.
Does Bioheat fuel cost any more than heating oil?
No! As we said, in New York City all residential heating oil is Bioheat fuel. As a result, there is no separate market for heating oil and Bioheat fuel. It’s the same fuel, with a price determined by the same market principles.
Furthermore, Skaggs-Walsh customers can actually save on the cost of their Bioheat fuel through the New York Clean Heating Fuel Credit. With this tax credit, you get back $.20 for every gallon of B20 Bioheat fuel you purchased during the prior year. For example, if you bought 750 gallons last year, you would get $150 back this tax season.
Do I need new heating equipment to use Bioheat fuel?
No! All existing heating oil equipment — boilers, furnaces, burners, and tanks — are approved to run on blends of up to 20% Bioheat fuel (B20). There is not a separate market for heating oil equipment and Bioheat fuel equipment.
On the other hand, any customer using old heating equipment can save fuel and money by upgrading to a new, high-efficiency heating system. Depending on how old your existing boiler or furnace is, the savings could be as high as 40%. Plus, you can save up to $700 in rebates. To upgrade and save, talk to Skaggs-Walsh today.
How do I learn more about Bioheat fuel?
Our Bioheat fuel webpage is a great place to start. From there, we suggest you visit the BioheatNYC webpage. Of course, you can always contact us with any questions about your heating fuel or equipment. We are here to help.