Peace of Mind with the SecureHEAT™ Home Monitor System

Posted by admin on 2022-12-30 15:38:00

SecureHEAT™ by Skaggs-Walsh is a valuable tool for protecting your property and providing you with year-round peace of mind. SecureHEAT™ Home Monitor System is an advanced sensory technology that constantly keeps track of your home’s temperature and reports to Skaggs-Walsh when anything goes wrong. SecureHEAT™ is another example of how Skaggs-Walsh provides our customers with unmatched convenience, value, and protection by offering the best home comfort products available.

Once the SecureHEAT™ Home Monitor System is in place, Skaggs-Walsh will be alerted to:

  • Sudden and abnormal temperature drops
  • Low level of oil in tank
  • Furnace malfunctions and shutdowns
  • Monitor or battery power losses or failures

Sudden changes in your home’s temperature could indicate that your heating equipment is malfunctioning and is need of a repair. In any event, SecureHEAT™ will notify Skaggs-Walsh so we can address the situation immediately. This technology is perfect for second homeowners, senior citizens, rental property owners, or anyone who relies on uninterrupted home heating.

You can rest easy knowing your home is protected 24/7/365 with the SecureHEAT™ Home Monitor System. Secure your home today and contact Skaggs-Walsh by giving us a call at 718-353-7000. We are home comfort experts who provide reliable heating oil deliveries and heating equipment services to the New York Metropolitan area.