Cool Your Energy Expenses this Summer with Our Conservation Tips

Posted by admin on 2024-07-11 09:03:00

Summer has arrived in full force, and it’s shaping up to be a hot one! While the temperature heats up outside, it’s always nice to enjoy a relaxing afternoon inside with your energy-efficient cooling equipment from Skaggs-Walsh. But just because the temperatures are climbing outside, it doesn’t mean your energy bills need to be inside!


Cool off your summer energy expenses this year with these energy conservation tips from your friends at Skaggs-Walsh!  


  1. Cook outside: Conventional ovens create heat inside your home and force your AC to work harder. Try cooking outside to avoid adding unnecessary heat inside.


  1. Use your windows: On milder summer nights you can naturally cool your home by opening windows to avoid running your air conditioner.


  1. Schedule an AC tune-up: Air conditioning tune-ups can increase your equipment’s efficiency and reduce monthly utility costs.


  1. Install a Programmable Thermostat: Updating old thermostats is a quick and easy way to reduce energy waste and save money.


  1. Use ceiling fans: Ceiling fans use considerably less power than air conditioners. Make sure you switch your fans to spin in a counterclockwise direction to create a down draft and cool your home!


  1. Clean or replace your AC filter: A dirty air filter can force your air conditioner to work harder and drive-up energy costs.


  1. Dry your laundry outside: Dryers use a lot of energy. Try hanging your clothes outside to dry them on warm sunny days.


  1. Seal spaces: Caulk or seal gaps around your windows and doors to keep the cool air inside. You could be letting money slip right through your home’s cracks!


  1. Draw blinds or shades: During the day you should draw your blinds or shades to block out the sun and keep the heat outside your home.

  2. Don’t cool an empty house: When you are away from home, set your thermostat to a higher temperature to conserve energy.


In addition to providing exceptional home comfort services, we try to help save you money on heating and cooling costs anyway we can, and practicing energy conservation is a great way to save money year-round!

Contact Skaggs-Walsh today to learn about more ways to save.