


New York wants to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 85% by 2050 to help protect our climate and our communities. We can do this, and we must. But we need the right strategy to succeed.

State legislators are considering a law that would force you to switch from the renewable Bioheat® fuel we deliver to electric heat. That could cost you between $20,000 and $40,000 to install heat pumps and remove your boiler or furnace.

There are several problems with this thinking:

Heat pumps aren't very effective in cold climates. That's why 90% of homes that add heat pumps keep their boiler or furnace, and 80% still use their existing equipment as their main heat source.
Installing heat pumps is very expensive. It could cost up to $40,000 to replace your heating equipment, and send your electricity bills skyrocketing.
The electric power grid can't support electric heating. Grid operators are already warning that the Northeast is at "heightened risk" of power outages during the winter because of insufficient energy supply.
Electric power plants typically run on fossil gas and coal, which emit carbon and methane. More electricity means more fossil fuel emissions.


We are already delivering clean Bioheat® fuel, made with renewable biodiesel. Our Bioheat® fuel is a "drop in" fuel - it works in any oil-fueled heating system, and immediately begins reducing fossil fuel consumption and gas emissions.

Please tell your State Senator and Representative that Bioheat® fuel is the smart strategy to lower New York greenhouse gas emissions. Visit HeatingNewYork.org/action to make your voice heard.

It only takes a New York minute to make sure your representatives know how you feel!

Thank you.